OSDL y FSG se fusionan

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Veo hoy en la [rul=http://wiki.debian.org/NormasLista]lista de usuarios de Debian en espanol[/url] un companero anuncio la siguiente noticia: [url=http://www.osdl.org]Open Source Development Labs[/url] (OSDL) y [url=http://www.freestandards.org/]Free Standards Group[/url] (FSG) han decidido fusionarse en una nueva entidad llamada Linux Foundation.

Las páginas principales de [url=http://www.osdl.org]OSDL[/url] y [url=http://www.freestandards.org/]FSG[/url] ya están siendo redireccionadas a la nueva web de [url=http://www.linux-foundation.org]Linux Foundation[/url] ([url]http://www.linux-foundation.org[/url]). Se espera que para el 2 de febrero se confirme definitivamente esta fusion.

[quote]Since OSDL and the FSG were each formed more than six years ago, Linux has grown significantly in server, desktop, and embedded usage around the world. Moreover, the open source model has transformed development by providing faster demand-side learning, higher quality, better security, shorter development cycles, and lower prices than closed platform development models. OSDL and the FSG were important forces behind open source adoption and played key roles in preventing fragmentation of the Linux market.[/quote]